We've all been there when one drink turns into five, and before you know it, it's 2 AM and you're on the dance floor rather than in your bed. It's all fun until the alarm goes off a few hours later reminding you to get up and get going. When you struggle to get out of the bed and the very sight of light hurts your eyes, you know you had a good night but it's going to be a tough day. Head pounding, puffy face, and the body begging for mercy but you have a full workday ahead.
While you might look and feel like you barely survived the apocalypse, you can fake it with a smart hangover kit. While it's not a miracle cure, at least it makes you look like a functioning human being at your workplace. Here's all you need:
Eye Cream
Puffy eyes are the biggest giveaway of the night you had. The solution? A de-puffing eye cream that can get your sorted for sometime. Go for something that hydrates and revitalise the sensitive area while working on puffiness and dark circles to make you look less tired.
Face Roller
If you don't own a face roller yet, it's time to get one, pronto, and keep it in the fridge as soon as you get it. It comes handy when you have one such night; roll it over your face, especially on your forehead and around the eyes, to de-puff the face and look fresh.
ORS Packets
Hangovers are dehydration in its most brutal form. While water is good, Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) are better to cure nasty hangovers. It will bring you faster to life than anything else. And these days, there's a premix that comes in a tetra pack that's easy to carry around.
Headache Pills: The Lifesavers
You cannot escape a headache in a hangover, it comes as a plus one with it. While this should be the last option on your list, keeping one handy is advisable. An ibuprofen or paracetamol should do the needful, so keep a strip in your bag.
Hydrating Face Mist: Instant Wake-Up
A few sprays of a hydrating mist, and you're more awake, especially when you're hungover. We absolutely love the milky toner from d'you, it refreshes the face instantly, like you took a long, refreshing shower.
Dry Shampoo: If Showers Are Hard
We totally recommend taking a shower on the next day of your night out as it jolts you back to reality but in case you cannot, having a dry shampoo handy can help you. Sweaty, greasy hair from the night before is a struct no. Use a dry shampoo and bring your hair back to life.
Breath Spray: And Freshen Up
Morning-after breath is no joke, especially after a night out. Keep minty gum or a fresh breath spray in your pocket and spray it before an important meeting. It will make you feel better and also the people around you.
Protein Bar or Banana to Fuel Up
Your body will need nutrients the next day and therefore, grab a quick bite of that protein bar or a banana. Have something that brings you instant energy and fills your tummy too.
Eye Drops for Clear Eyes
Red, bloodshot eyes are a dead giveaway that you didn't handle your night well. A few drops of a quick-relief eye drop will do the deed.