10 Foods That Might Be Sabotaging Your Diet
Not as Healthy as You Think: 10 Foods That Might Be Sabotaging Your Diet

Not every thing tagged healthy should be taken on its face value, read the ingredient list

If you keep up with interesting new shows, a limited series on Netflix, Apple Cider Vinegar, is making waves in the health and wellness industry, and for all right reasons. The series is based on a true story based on a self-proclaimed Australian health guru Belle Gibson. Gibson gained millions of followers and popularity on social media after she claimed and duped people about how she cured her brain cancer just by eating clean and positive thinking. As Apple Cider Vinegar is thrown around as a cure for anything and everything, the show talks about the unhealthy diet culture we all might have formed with food habits.

We all have been there, swapping sugar for jaggery, snacking on dried fruits, or picking up a protein bar on the go, thinking we are making a healthy choice. However, some of these so-called health foods are loaded with processed ingredients, sugar and unnecessary calories that do more harm than good. As usual, we are here with a reality check:


Apple Cider Vinegar

You may all be convinced with its benefits and there might be a few, however don't fall for the tarp–it doesn't bring down blood sugar or help in weight loss. It might be a temporary solution but you can't replace your regular medication with ACV. 


Jaggery or Jaggery Powder or Honey

If you're in an Indian household trying to avoid processed sugar, you must have heard your mother or elders asking you to use jaggery or honey. The fact is that these are not healthy options either. Your glucose level will shoot up with these replacements too, it might not be as much as it's with processed sugar but you're still not in a safe zone.


Granola and Granola Bars

Granola sounds healthy, right? Made with oats, nuts, and seeds, the granola bars bought at the store are sugar bombs disguised as health food. Imagine sugar overload and corn syrup, with chocolate chips, no not a healthy choice at all.

Dried and Packed Fruits

You might have seen people carrying a pack of dried fruits like cherries, cranberries, kiwis and oranges because carrying a fresh fruit is a task. However, these are loaded with preservatives, sugar and salt, nowhere closer to the original option. Yes, it can be a good munching snack once in a while but nothing more than that.

Smoothie Bowls

They're definitely Instagram-worthy with the look and aesthetics and might seem healthy too. But smoothie bowls can quickly turn into calorie monsters with granola, nut butter, dried fruits, and honey. You might end up eating more calories than a full meal. Also, definitely skip these for breakfast, not a good choice.


Packaged Nuts (with Flavouring)

Plain nuts (not all) are good for snacking as they are full of healthy fats and protein. But flavored or coated nuts (think honey-roasted or BBQ almonds) can be sneaky. They're often loaded with added sugar, salt, and artificial flavours, turning a healthy snack into a calorie bomb.


Gluten-Free Packaged Foods

First thing first, gluten-free doesn't always mean healthy. Many gluten-free snacks are made with refined starches like rice flour or potato starch, which can spike your blood sugar just as much as regular processed foods.

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