German luxury carmaker BMW brought its 13th Art Car, created by renowned Italian contemporary artist Sandro Chia, to the India Art Fair in New Delhi on Thursday. Marking the 25th anniversary of the BMW M3 GTR, the car will be showcased at this four-day event till February 5, informed a press release.
These cars, also called the Rolling Sculptures, combine artistic expression and automobile design, according to the manufacturer. No less than 18 prominent global artists have used these BMWs as their canvases since 1975.
“The BMW Art Cars collection spans the work of prominent artists across continents. Together they form a mirror of contemporary culture, as exemplary as it is unique,” said BMW India president Frank Schloeder, and added, “Through the exclusive showcase of the BMW Art Car by Sandro Chia at the India Art Fair, we bring yet another coveted masterpiece of art closer to connoisseurs and patrons of art.”
Sandro Chia first let his paintbrush do the talking with a BMW back in 1992 as he became the only Italian artist to do so in the process. The artist decided to give the car a distinctive look; he created a combination of BMW’s design language and the artists’ perspective of multiple gazes of the onlooker and how the car reflects on them, added the release.
In the past, artists like Alexander Calder (BMW 3.0 CSL, 1975), Frank Stella (BMW 3.0 CSL, 1976), Roy Lichtenstein (BMW 320 Group 5, 1977), Matazo Kayama (BMW 535i, 1990), César Manrique (BMW 730i, 1990), A. R. Penck (BMW Z1, 1991), Jenny Holzer (BMW V12 LMR, 1999), Ólafur Eliasson (BMW H2R, 2007) and Jeff Koons (BMW M3 GT2, 2010) have donned the artist’s hat for this BMW endeavour.