Netflix’s CGI live-action film, Mowgli: The Legend Of The Jungle is the new buzz in town. This film is an adaptation of Rudyard Kipling’s classic, The Jungle Book. This tale revolves around a boy from the jungle who tries to circumnavigate his destiny between the jungle and human life. Just like the international cast, the Hindi version of the film has managed to rope in the biggest names from Bollywood.
From Madhuri Dixit to Kareena Kapoor Khan, this drama-fantasy film has got it all. So save the date as it is time to relive your childhood memories with this desi cast.
A sneak-peak into the characters in the film:
Abhishek Bachchan as Bagheera.
Madhuri Dixit as Nisha.
Kareena Kapoor Khan as Kaa.
Anil Kapoor as Baloo.
Jackie Shroff as Shere Khan
And just like the rest of us, the stars are super pumped. They took to Twitter to share their glee: