Lorius Karius Still Has One Fan: Mia Khalifa
Lorius Karius Still Has One Fan: Mia Khalifa

The former pornstar has expressed her support (and admiration) of the Liverpool keeper

Liverpool’s embattled goalkeeper Loris Karius has few supporters left amongst even the most ardent of the club’s fans following his despondent performance on Saturday night, when his mistakes led directly to conceding two game (and tournament) winning goals.Despite humiliation and failure on the grand stage of the Champions League Final, he still has at least one person in his corner: Mia Khalifa.


The former pornstar and current model, famed and notorious for her social media exchanges with basketball and American football players. kicked off the association before the match even started. Karius Instagrammed a picture ahead of the historic game, captioned “Eyes on the prize.” Khalifa slid into his comment section with a direct display of appreciation. 

And then after the disastrous match, Mia Khalifa made a more public display of support, putting up a picture of Karius with a message both to him and to controversial Real Madrid defender Sergio Ramos, whose tackle took out Liverpool star Mohammed Salah in the early stages of the Final. 

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