There are numerous studies dedicated to helping you have a better sex life. Earlier, The Independent had reported that according to scientists from the University of Athens, olive oil is far more effective than Viagra when it comes to issues of erectile dysfunction.
A study was conducted on a group of 660 men with an average age of 67 and the results of the study showed that the Mediterranean diet is hugely beneficial in part because of the presence of olive oil.
Now, a study published in the journal Nutrients shows that adding walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds to your diet can improve your sex drive and orgasm quality, reports The Hindustan Times.
Researchers from Rovira I Virgili University and the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) in Spain were the ones who conducted the study to determine if the daily consumption of these nuts had any effect on an individual’s sex drive. 83 people were analysed for a period of 14 weeks wherein nuts were added to their usual western diet.
Do you know what’s not good for your sex life? Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, being lazy and doing no physical exercise and stress.