Vintage Action And Racing Games That Need To Make A Comeback
Vintage Action And Racing Games That Need To Make A Comeback

From Lion King to Wacky Wheels

We spent hours, back in the day, either enjoying conquering the game all alone, or teaming up with a friend or a sibling to help you get through a tough part that you just couldn’t without their help.


Here’s a list of some classic games that we would love to be brought back, just for old time’s sake:


Dangerous Dave

Dangerous Dave was a very short game but almost impossible to complete. The levels kept getting tougher and the enemies just kept getting uglier as the game progressed.



Disney is not only a movie making legend but also reigned supreme in the gaming department. Who wouldn’t want to play a game that was based on their favourite Disney movie?



Prince Of Persia

Another almost impossible game to complete. The only two things you need to complete this game are patience and a lot of free time. Which is pretty simple, just skip doing your homework and play some POP instead. 


Jazz Jackrabbit

Jazz is a favourite among Nintendo lovers. It is based on the lines of Mario, but instead of playing as Mario, you play as Jack, a rabbit with guns that spit fire. Need I say anything more?



Another Disney classic movie turned into a game and does it perfect justice. 



The most terrifying game among the whole list. You play as a man who’s stuck inside a hell house and need to kill demons and possessed Rottweilers. It’s not as bad as it sounds but it is definitely not a game parents want their kids to be playing. 


A game where you race as an animal against other animals. Yeah, that’s about it. Still lots of fun though. 


Lion King 

Allowing you to play as Simba, and get through a Kenyan jungle filled with obstacles, Lion King was as good as a game to play, as it was a movie to watch. 


Road Rash

Definitely one of the most popular games of all time, Road Rash is a certified classic. Who wouldn’t want to play the game once again and buy upgrades for their superbikes and kick another racer off their bike.


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