We had earlier reported that actress Priyanka Chopra is all set to star in director Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s next film which is based on Gangubai Kothewali who was one of the most feared pimps of Mumbai’s red-light district, Kamathipura. According to the Bollywood Hungama, the project had been tentatively titled, Heera Mandi.
Now, the director has confirmed that he is in talks with our favourite desi girl for the role. “I love the story, it’s been with me for long and I’m keen to make the film. Priyanka and I are in talks,” he said, according to Filmfare.
Right from her Aitraaz days to the blockbuster, Baywatch, PC has done brilliantly in ‘negative’ roles and one can safely assume that she’ll do justice to that of Gangubai Kothewali as well. Timesnownews reports that Kothewali was famously known as the ‘Madam of Kamathipura’ and that she allegedly forced many women into prostitution. However, there are others who see her as a messiah for sex workers as she fought for their protection and rights.
In his book, Mafia Queens of Bombay, Hussain Zaidi has written in great detail about her life and choices. The author also alleges that she was well connected to people in power.
The actress has previously acted in Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani which also starred the now-married couple, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone.
(Header credits: Priyanka Chopra on Instagram)