Five things you didn’t know about MI-5
Five things you didn’t know about MI-5

As Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation prepares for release, check out some interesting facts about the latest flick in the action franchise

1. Lead actor Tom Cruise was injured 6 times during the making of the movie.


2. While Benedict Cumberbatch was the original choice to play villain, Jessica Chastain was first considered for the female lead. Chastain declined because she was reluctant to spend six months training for her part.



3. Cruise and Ving Rhames are the only actors to appear in all five films in the franchise.


4. Coincidentally, around the same time that this film was announced, Disney also announced its Star Wars spin-off, Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One, which will release next year. Given the similarity in the two films’ subtitles, Paramount and Disney struck up an agreement. The latter agreed to not promote their film until Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation’s release.



5. Cruise performed a sequence where his character, Ethan Hunt, climbs on the outside of a flying airplane without the use of special effects or a stunt double. At times, he was suspended on the aircraft 5000 feet up in the air. He says he took on this stunt as he wanted to outdo a sequence in the previous film (Mission Impossible – Ghost Protocol; 2011) in which he was shown scaling the Burj Khalifa. Despite the crew’s concerns, Cruise – a certified pilot – insisted on performing the stunt, and it was filmed in 8 takes. A special frame was built for the camera and mounted on the frame to counter wind resistance and bird strikes. The actor was also given special lenses to ensure he could keep his eyes open.

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