Apple TV has announced a thriller based on Author Lauren Beaukes’ “The Shining Girls” which will star Elisabeth Moss with Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appian Way as executive producer. According to the novel, a Depression-era Chicago drifter acquires the ability to travel through time but to do so, he must kill the ‘shining’ girls – young women […]
Apple TV has announced a thriller based on Author Lauren Beaukes’ “The Shining Girls” which will star Elisabeth Moss with Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appian Way as executive producer.
According to the novel, a Depression-era Chicago drifter acquires the ability to travel through time but to do so, he must kill the ‘shining’ girls – young women with potential. Moss will play the role of one of the would-be victims who becomes a reporter at the Chicago Sun-Times with the aim to bring the murderer to justice.
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Moss will also executive produce through Love & Squalor Pictures alongside Lindsey McManus while Jennifer Davidson will executive produce alongside DiCaprio for Appian Way, reports Indiewire.