Karishma Prakash, the former manager of actress Deepika Padukone is still being investigated in a drug case by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) which cropped up following the CBI, ED, and NCB’s investigation into the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Now, according to the Hindustan Times, talent management company, KWAN, which manages Deepika Padukone […]
Karishma Prakash, the former manager of actress Deepika Padukone is still being investigated in a drug case by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) which cropped up following the CBI, ED, and NCB’s investigation into the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Now, according to the Hindustan Times, talent management company, KWAN, which manages Deepika Padukone and other big Bollywood celebrities, has stated that Karishma Prakash resigned from her position last month.
“Karishma Prakash tendered her resignation on 21st of October with immediate effect and it was accepted. She now has nothing to do with KWAN or with any of the artists that the agency represents including Deepika Padukone. The ongoing investigations are on Karishma Prakash as an individual. We would request media houses and reporters to incorporate this fact while reporting on this issue,” a statement by Vijay Subramaniam, co-founder, and CEO of Kwan, read.
Prakash has also filed an anticipatory bail plea fearing an arrest by the NCB which informed a Mumbai court that it would not be taking any “coercive action” against her till November 7.
Prakash was questioned by the bureau in September and had been summoned again “to join the investigation” but did not turn up. The Mumbai police had said that Prakash was “untraceable”.
However, Prakash turned up at the NCB office at Ballard Estate at 11.55 am on Thursday and is being questioned for the second day in a row. On Wednesday, she was interrogated for nearly six hours.
“Since her questioning could not be completed on Wednesday, she is being questioned again today. Her statement would also be recorded on Thursday,” said an NCB official to HT but refrained from divulging any details about the line of questioning.
According to the newspaper, the agency’s search of Prakash’s residence in Versova turned up 1.7 grams of hashish and three bottles of cannabidiol (CBD) oil.