This online bikini-cooking show will put you off food for life
This online bikini-cooking show will put you off food for life

All we can say is ‘This cannot be unseen’

Just when we thought that things couldn’t get any weirder than the Indrani Mukerjea murder saga, we caught sight of this. If you thought that the day would never come when we would have a homegrown bikini-cooking show, you were sadly wrong. Called Food Porn (we wonder how long it took to think that one up), the show features two bikini/swimsuit clad women bumping and grinding with each other and suggestively eating bananas – and that’s just during the opening sequence. As the show progresses, the hosts try very hard to look like they know what they’re talking about as they teach you how to make everything from scrambled eggs to mango-banana smoothies (we’re not sure if you too need to cook in your skivvies). Since this is a ‘food’ show, there’s enough cheesy bits in it to give Switzerland a complex. Have a look at it here – just make sure not to have a heavy meal beforehand.


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