According to InStyle, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas visited the former’s close friend, Meghan Markle and her husband, Prince Harry, mere days before their engagement. The Quantico star and Jonas brother are said to have spent time with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at one of their Oxfordshire homes, the website further reports.
While it is evident that their alleged double date went well (cue the engagement), most double dates can turn into absolute disasters. Here’s how you can prevent that:
Do your research
As with all things, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing when you’re going on a double date. It is imperative that you do your research or you’ll end up scoffing at the ‘vegan burger’ option on the menu before realising that your date’s friend is a Jain.
Be punctual
It’s very important that you turn up at the venue on time but if you’re certain that you’ll be delayed by more than 15 minutes, you should inform your date. It helps assuage fears that you may have stood them up and allows the other couple to fill in for a while.
Regarding inside jokes
Naturally, when you’re in a relationship, you and your partner will share multiple inside jokes. However, make a conscious attempt to minimise them during your double date. The couple you’re with won’t know about them and honestly, may not even care.
Pay attention to your partner but not too much
You obviously have to make your partner feel like the bee’s knees but ensure that the others feel welcome too.
Don’t cheat on your date
This goes without saying but don’t go and hook up with your date’s friend or her/his partner. Unless the four of you mutually decide to swap partners or engage in a foursome or something.
(Header credits: Viral Bhayani/Wikimedia Commons)