Do You Really Need to Drink Electrolytes?
Do You Really Need to Drink Electrolytes?

Electrolyte drinks, once reserved solely for athletes, are now a staple in the lives of everyday people. Here's what the experts have to say about this essential hydration supplement

On dusty ground with just enough pebbles to make you bleed if you fall unceremoniously, a bunch of players, after a relentless fight of Kabaddi, huddle near a small tank of nimbu paani to replenish themselves before the next round begins. During district-level athletics meets, runners are seen mixing sachets of ORS in water before the whistles blow for an 800m race.  


For some reason, these two scenes strike my mind immediately when I come across influencers or ultramarathoners hard-selling electrolyte drinks. What explains the newfound frenzy behind a concoction that has always been there with us? Especially in a hot and humid country like India where the economy is predominantly labour-based, workers have been replenishing their lost vitamins and minerals through natural sources since time immemorial. 


From all-weather coconut water to summer's favourite aam panna, there is no dearth of natural electrolytes. Besides, it was a Kolkata-based paediatrician, Dr Dilip Mahalanabis who concocted a formula of salt, sugar and clean water, known as ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts) to tackle dehydration among children suffering from diarrhoea. But while ORS is still something we resort to in times of sickness, sipping a can of electrolytic drinks has become a daily lifestyle choice for many. There is no dearth of brands promising you quicker and better hydration to cure anything from hangovers to plain old muscle cramps. 


At this point, it's important to ask what it is about modern life is that has necessitated and indeed popularised this boom. Celia Ford, a science journalist and ex-neuroscientist, pinned this electrolytic boom to the wellness culture that urges us to prioritise hydration at any cost. So, people are now more aware of how the presence of minerals and vitamins in our bodies affects our daily functioning. “Electrolytes are vital minerals that support key bodily functions like hydration, nerve signalling, and muscle contractions. It's a misconception that the body 'produces' all the electrolytes on its own. Instead, we obtain them from the foods and drinks we consume,” says Anupama Nair, a nutritionist and food coach from Bengaluru. 


Electrolytes being sold as pre-packaged water supplements are nothing new. It all started in the 1960s, when Dewayne Douglas, an assistant football coach at the University of Florida, saw his players struggle to recover after a practice session. He reached out to nephrologist Dr Robert Cade, who found out that these players face a deficiency of vital electrolytes after their intense training. To address this, he came up with a unique formula of a salty drink that would quickly replenish the nutrients and minerals—this is the origin story of Gatorade, a name that doesn't need any introduction today. The popularity of Gatorade has trickled down from the echelons of elite sports. From junior league games to professional matches, athletes of all ages are seen fueling up with this iconic drink to boost their performance.  


But it is no longer the only player in this lucrative market. Many emerging brands like Prime, Powerade, Liquid I.V., Wellcore, and Fast&Up are making their presence felt. The Energy & Sports Drinks market, which includes the electrolytic drinks segment, generated a revenue of $3.1 Billion in 2023, and is expected to grow at 11.5 per cent annually till 2032. The relentless marketing campaigns and widespread availability of these beverages in convenience stores suggest that brands no longer want to focus solely on athletes. They also want to reach out to the common populace, and the result is not discouraging either. Anupama asserts that an increasing number of individuals are incorporating these beverages into their daily routines, a trend she attributes more to “marketing hype rather than necessity”. However, she doesn't entirely dismiss the potential benefits of it for some. “During illness, intense heat, extended physical exertion, or those experiencing high fluid losses, targeted supplementation of electrolytes can be very useful,” she adds. 


Tridev Pandey, the celebrity fitness coach who is currently hosting a 90-day Shred Plan programme at the newly furnished gym at Soho House, says that even heavy or salty sweaters can consider adding electrolytes to their routine. “Excessive sweating leads to the loss electrolytes, which can cause imbalances, muscle cramps, or fatigue. If you are someone who sweats throughout the day you can consider adding electrolytic drinks to your diet,”he says. “Drinking plain water may rehydrate you, but it doesn't replenish the electrolytes that are critical for muscle function and fluid balance to maintain high-level performance,” adds Yogesh Bhatija, celebrity fitness and health coach. 


However, experts unanimously agree that everyone should be mindful of their electrolyte consumption, as excessive levels of minerals such as sodium and potassium can pose serious health risks. “An overconsumption of commercial electrolytes with high levels of sodium and sugar can also contribute to health issues like high blood pressure, weight gain, or insulin resistance if over-consumed,” warns Anupama. However, it's easy to find a zero-sugar electrolyte nowadays. “Always opt for drinks with no added sugar or those sweetened with natural alternatives like stevia or monk fruit. Personalisation is key. Consider your activity intensity, duration, and sweat rate when deciding whether to use sports drinks,”she signs off. 


Best Natural Ways To Boost Electrolytes 

Potassium-Rich Foods 

Bananas, oranges, and melons, sweet potatoes, spinach, and avocados. 

Magnesium-Rich Foods 

Swiss chard, spinach, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, quinoa, brown rice, and oats 

Calcium-Rich Foods 

Dairy products, Fortified plant-based milk (almond, soy, or oat milk), broccoli and bok choy, or fish with edible bones like sardines. 

Sodium And Chloride Sources 

Pickled vegetables and fermented foods like sauerkraut or kimchi, Broths or soups made with natural ingredients. 

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