Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer, a gripping portrayal of the atomic era's beginnings, emerged victorious at the 96th Academy Awards on Sunday, clinching seven awards, including including best picture, best actor, and best director. The film also earned Oscars for Cillian Murphy's powerful portrayal of J. Robert Oppenheimer and Robert Downey Jr.'s notable performance as a vindictive bureaucrat.
Nolan's blockbuster biopic. Despite losing the box office battle to Barbie during the Barbenheimer showdown last summer, the film has now triumphed in the awards arena, with Greta Gerwig's Mattel comedy only securing one Oscar for Best Original Song. Cillian Murphy was honoured as best actor for his role, surpassing Paul Giamatti and Jeffrey Wright, while Robert Downey Jr. took home the award for the best supporting actor, competing against Robert De Niro and Ryan Gosling. While these stars surely stole the show, the South Asian representation too had its moment.
Raj Kapoor, The Showman Of Oscars 2024
Born in New Delhi before migrating to Canada at a young age, Raj Kapoor has established himself as a reputed television producer, having worked with Academy Awards for eight years in a row. This year Kapoor served as the executive producer of the show. "My biggest hope is that they go through a range of emotions with us, that they feel happiness and joy, that we maybe make them shed a tear," he said.
To Kill A Tiger
Backed by Priyanka Chopra, To Kill a Tiger was well-received among critics, and also earned a nomination for the Best Documentary Feature Film category, where they lost to 20 Days in Mariupol. The documentary was directed by Indian-born Nisha Pahuja, and it's available on Netflix.
Rupi Kaur
Rupi Kaur, the Indo-Canadian internet sensation, also made her presence felt at the pre-Oscars party. Kaur was one of the executive producers of the documentary To Kill a Tiger.
Sahil Salathiya
Sahil Salathia, known for his eccentric fashion sense, was present at the pre-Oscars party in Los Angeles.
Shruti Ganguly
Shruti Ganguly, the New York-based filmmaker also marked her attendance in the party.