Davidoff Horizon: The New Fragrance For Men
Davidoff Horizon: The New Fragrance For Men

This timeless signature manages to capture the freedom of adventure and exploration.


Created by master perfumers Olivier Pescheux and Jacques Huclier, DAVIDOFF Horizon is a unique and timeless signature that captures the freedom of adventure and exploration, meant for the self-assured modern man of today, who knows exactly where he is heading.





For the free-spirited, strong and accomplished man of today, the campaign for the fragrance features Italian model Simone Bredariol, the TV ad of which is shot by director Arnaud Uyttenhove, while the print ad is shot by photographer John Balsom. The TV ad was shot amidst extreme weather conditions and depicts a free-spirited, adventure-loving man’s journey while he ascends a mountain.  The print ad focuses upon his arrival at the destination, displaying his sense of achievement.



DAVIDOFF Horizon’s airy top notes comprise the very refreshing Grapefruit, Rosemary and Ginger, while its middle and base notes are a combination of Vetiver and Patchouli, softly wrapped in rich cocoa injecting warmth, sensuality and texture to the fragrance. Meant for the elegant explorer of today, DAVIDOFF Horizon is for all those who like things balanced and clear, just like the fragrance itself. Go ahead, try it!


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