From owning a PR firm to now turning heads as a designer, Sioman Huck has got everyone talking about his latest collection at New York Fashion Week. To refresh your memory cells a bit, you might have spotted the designer’s creations on Kim Kardashian in her glow in the dark choker that was timed with her heartbeat. It was no ordinary fashion accessory, the choker almost looked like a part of Kim K’s extended skin. Creepy much? But wait, there’s more. Tan France with the ruffled collar, Chrissy Teigen with her feathered skin wings and Andreja Pejic with her shoulder horns too debuted their faux implants accessories on Instagram. We call it ET meets high-end fashion that might just be shaping up a futuristic world.
Huck has now opened an exhibit to his collection A.Human at New York Fashion Week displaying a theatrical experience of one of a kind. Guests are greeted by models whose heads are popping out of gravel like dirt. Not just that, the showcase had an entire room dedicated to the beating human heart all to prove a point that we all are indeed human.
Biologically grown heels, a human corset, Ursula’s necklace are all things on display for just $40 a ticket. The designer also promises to customize accessories according to personal moods and taste because we all have days when adorning shoulder horns seems far more exciting than any other accessory out in the market.