This week, Twitter suspended Kangana Ranaut from their platform. The actress tweeted a controversial statement related to the post-election violence in West Bengal. The social media platform permanently suspended her account for violating Twitter guidelines.
Since then, fashion designers have announced that they will be distancing themselves from Ranaut and added that there will be no future collaborations with her.
Designer Rimzim Dadu shared a post on her Instagram stories and wrote, “Never too late to do the right thing! We are removing all posts of past collaborations from our social channels and pledge to not engage in any future association with her (Kangana).”
Talking to ETimes, the designer said, “In the middle of this pandemic when there’s already a lot of devastation and suffering, we need to look after each other irrespective of which side of the political spectrum we stand. In that light, I just didn’t feel it right that anybody, including celebrities, should remotely insinuate violence. Violence in any shape and form against anybody should be condemned.”
Textile designer Anand Bhushan released a statement on social media that read, “In view of certain events today, we have taken a decision to remove all collaboration images with Kangana Ranaut from our social media channels. We also pledge never to be associated with her in any capacity in the future. We as a brand do not support hate speech.”
“My brand and me don’t support any hate speech of any kind. Calling for Gujarat Riots of 2002 to happen again on Twitter by her was the lowest of the low. I do not wish to be associated with this viewpoint at all and totally condemn it,” Bhushan said to ETimes.
Swara Bhaskar applauded both the designers on their decision and wrote, “Pleasantly surprised to see this! Kudos to you @AnandBhushan & #RimzimDadu for calling out hate speech and incitement to genocide in a direct manner! Stand tall you guys!”