We know that #MondayBlues is a legit thing. The first day of the week always brings in a serious bout of depression and irritability. But we’ve got some easy tips to help you turn that around.
Sleep early on Sunday nights
You have a long week ahead and so, it makes sense to not get sloshed and turn in early on Sundays. You’ll wake up fresh and without a hangover.
Get some exercise
If you are too lazy to hit the gym before work, at least go out for a 20-minute jog. A good cardio routine is always advisable to boost energy and morale.
Don’t skip breakfast
Cardinal rule number 1 – and this stands for every day of the week – start your day with a nutritious breakfast of oatmeal with fruit, nuts and almond milk, or whole wheat toasts with egg whites. The combination of carbs, proteins and healthy vitamins will rev your engines and prevent mid-morning slumps.
We always yawn into our closets on Mondays. Avoid that. Put in a little effort while picking out the shirt. Choose a funky pair of socks or that new tie you’ve been saving up for a fancy date. Looking good never hurt anybody.
Take breaks
Don’t stay glued to your seat the whole day. Take a walk for some fresh air (not a smoke break), avoid eating lunch at the desk or just walk up and down the stairs for some exercise.
Say no to booze
Don’t fight the blues with more booze. You don’t want your Tuesday to turn into another Monday, now do you? Also, recurring hangovers are dehydrating, cause duress and are a major mood kill.