Hollywood actor Will Smith and Indian spiritual guru Sadhguru recently met for the first time, and spent time in Smith’s home in America with his family. Sadhguru is currently traveling across the US on his bike, and decided to make a pit stop at the Smith residence. The spiritual guru shared a mini-vlog of the […]
Hollywood actor Will Smith and Indian spiritual guru Sadhguru recently met for the first time, and spent time in Smith’s home in America with his family.
Sadhguru is currently traveling across the US on his bike, and decided to make a pit stop at the Smith residence. The spiritual guru shared a mini-vlog of the two meeting for the first time on his Instagram page. In the video, you see Sadhguru entering the property on his bike, and meeting Will Smith and his daughter Willow Smith.
“Sadhguru is in town. I have been following him for a while. He wrote a wonderful book called ‘Inner Engineering’. I want my family to meet spiritual people, to start interacting with people who are not hooked on the material world,” says Will Smith in the video.
“Will Smith Hosts Sadhguru: A Behind-the-Scenes Look Will Smith welcomes Sadhguru home to spend quality time with his family. They share heartfelt conversations, profound poetry, and enjoy Sadhguru’s wit & wisdom!” Sadhguru captioned the video.
In the video, Sadhguru, Will, and Willow are all seated at a table, where the Smith family keenly listen to the spiritual guru and his words of wisdom. At one point, Willow Smith also recites one of his scriptures. The guru is also heard advising Willow to never give up on herself and her wonderfulness. “You stay wonderful, never give up wonderfulness. Do not surrender your wonderfulness, no matter who the hell does what. Let them do whatever.”
This isn’t the only Indian spiritual connection Will Smith has. In the past, Smith visited India and participated in various programs, including Ganga aarti at Haridwar.