Even as Bollywood takes a heavy hit amidst the shutdown of all film shootings, Bollywood filmmakers have rushed to register film titles related to the novel coronavirus, reports The Hindustan Times. Gulf News further reports that Production and distribution house Eros International has registered a title ‘Corona Pyaar Hai’ and working on a storyline based […]
Even as Bollywood takes a heavy hit amidst the shutdown of all film shootings, Bollywood filmmakers have rushed to register film titles related to the novel coronavirus, reports The Hindustan Times.
Gulf News further reports that Production and distribution house Eros International has registered a title ‘Corona Pyaar Hai’ and working on a storyline based on a sensitive love story based around the pandemic. Producer Krishna Lulla had confirmed the same to Times of India and Mid Day. A source told Tribune that the scripting of the film will begin when the concept is finalised and that the script will carry a strong social message.
However, not everybody thinks this word association is funny. Director Rakesh Roshan who had launched his son Hrithik Roshan in Kaho Na Pyaar Hai has labelled this name a “mockery”.
“It’s a mockery of the situation that the world is combating. It’s childish and immature to do such a thing at this time. We should ignore these people as they are not thinking straight,” said Roshan in an interview to Mid Day.
The Indian Motion Picture Producers’ Association has also stated that there has been a rush of producers wanting to lock a title that has the word Corona in it.