Virgil Abloh has launched Off-White Seasons, a new Instagram account that gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at Off-White. The account was introduced with two lookbooks that showcases men’s and women’s 2021 resort collection, photographed by Andrea Artemisio and styling from Ibrahim Kamara. It also includes screenshots from WhatsApp groups where Abloh carries out his meetings. […]
Virgil Abloh has launched Off-White Seasons, a new Instagram account that gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at Off-White.
The account was introduced with two lookbooks that showcases men’s and women’s 2021 resort collection, photographed by Andrea Artemisio and styling from Ibrahim Kamara. It also includes screenshots from WhatsApp groups where Abloh carries out his meetings.
In addition to group chats, the account also posts voice notes in which the founder explains how he hired creatives for the season team. He went ahead to explain the details from the collection such as the “I Support Young Black Businesses.”