Bollywood actors Ayushmann Khurrana, Kriti Sanon and Sara Ali Khan came together with Indian cricket team skipper Virat Kohli for a public service announcement on fake news. “All of you support us with such fervour when we play for the nation. But now the nation needs you, me, all of us to play for it. […]
Bollywood actors Ayushmann Khurrana, Kriti Sanon and Sara Ali Khan came together with Indian cricket team skipper Virat Kohli for a public service announcement on fake news.
“All of you support us with such fervour when we play for the nation. But now the nation needs you, me, all of us to play for it. Will you do your bit?,” Kohli said in a tweet on his handle with the hashtag #MatKarForward.
All of you support us with such fervour when we play for the nation. But now the nation needs you, me, all of us to play for it. Will you do your bit? #MatKarForward @TikTok_IN
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) May 4, 2020
The tweet comes attached to a video wherein the four celebrities are seen discussing the overarching menace of fake news on social media platforms. What’s great is that while the video shows the four of them sharing a table, their segments have actually been digitally patched in as they are in lockdown with their families.
According to The Hindustan Times, the video was commissioned by TikTok and come Monday, the campaign will go live on DD and other television channels.