Pornhub, the adult entertainment site, has been thriving since global lockdowns took place amidst the coronavirus pandemic which has claimed countless lives and decimated an already staggering global economy. The company made Pornhub Premium free but also launched two campaigns – one to encourage safe sex and the other to ensure regular hand washing. Now, […]
Pornhub, the adult entertainment site, has been thriving since global lockdowns took place amidst the coronavirus pandemic which has claimed countless lives and decimated an already staggering global economy. The company made Pornhub Premium free but also launched two campaigns – one to encourage safe sex and the other to ensure regular hand washing. Now, Pornhub’s vice president, Corey Price reached out a German indie film festival, the Oldenburg Film Festival and has volunteered to be its partner for the September event.
Last week, the festival announced that it would go ahead with in-person screenings and virtual ones. “We’d love to elevate the event beyond simply making your content viewable online, and take advantage of the digital format to engage with audiences who will be tuning in from around the world. This will offer a much different viewing experience and be more immersive,” Price wrote to Oldenburg’s organisers.
While the festival’s organisers are yet to respond, Price told Variety that this new initiative “further demonstrates our commitment to supporting the arts and entertaining audiences of all kinds”.
In March this year, Pornhub released its first-ever non-adult film – Leilah Weinraub’s Shakedown (2018) which deals with the lesbian strip club era of the early 2000s LA. “We want to be seen as a platform that artists and creators can use,” Pornhub’s brand director, Alex Klein, said at the time, according to Dazed. “We’ve seen artists in general upload content to the site that might not have a home at places like YouTube or Vimeo, which don’t permit nudity.”