Amazon Prime Video’s Made In Heaven was quite the hit when it released. Featuring Arjun Mathur and Shobhita Dhulipala in the lead roles, it featured the Indian wedding industry and made some very poignant points about Indian society. However, one person who’s not impressed with the show is filmmaker and producer, Onir. He has expressed […]
Amazon Prime Video’s Made In Heaven was quite the hit when it released. Featuring Arjun Mathur and Shobhita Dhulipala in the lead roles, it featured the Indian wedding industry and made some very poignant points about Indian society.
However, one person who’s not impressed with the show is filmmaker and producer, Onir. He has expressed his displeasure on social media over scenes that appear to be similar to those in his film, I Am.
Nalini Rathnam, a creative producer and casting director, shared a YouTube video on Twitter, which appears to show how a scene from I Am and Made in Heaven are similar.
Retweeting Ratnam’s tweet, Onir responded: “I was quite taken aback when I saw that so much of that section of I AM was not only there as content but shot exactly in the same way. But acknowledgment has never been the strength of this industry (sic).”
Watch the video below: