MSG-2: The Messenger is set for release on September 18th
MSG-2: The Messenger is set for release on September 18th

Sant Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insaan is back – duck for cover

If you saw even a single frame from MSG: The Messenger, you’ll know that the film attempted to redefine the commonly acknowledged boundaries of WTF. The sequel to that film is to be unleashed on the public next month, and it’s not a good sign that the trailer claims it’s ‘based on true events.’ Broadly, the plot revolves around the aforementioned Sant Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insaan attempting to civilise the adivasis – score one for political correctness. It’s humanly impossible to say any more about the trailer, so you’ll just have to watch it and gauge its other-worldliness for yourself. How we wish the film had been about the return of a messaging device based on a popular food additive…


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