Another tragic day for the wrestling fans in India. Delhi police have issued a lookout notice against star wrestler Sushil Kumar, as he has been missing after the brawl in Chhatrasal Stadium that left one dead. Also Read : Wrestling Qualifiers For Tokyo Olympics: India Fails To Secure Spot This news comes after an issue […]
Another tragic day for the wrestling fans in India. Delhi police have issued a lookout notice
against star wrestler Sushil Kumar, as he has been missing after the brawl in Chhatrasal
Stadium that left one dead.
Also Read : Wrestling Qualifiers For Tokyo Olympics: India Fails To Secure Spot
This news comes after an issue for his arrest was given out by the Delhi High court. The Delhi
police have been unable to track him till now. It is being reported that Sushil Kumar plays a vital
role in the murder of a 23-year-old international wrestler, Sagar Dhankad, in Chhatrasal
Stadium. The charges registered against Kumar are abduction, murder, and criminal
conspiracy. These charges are no joke, and an investigation will occur when the police manage
to find Kumar.
Sagar Dhankad was found dead in the stadium’s parking area. It has been reported that a brawl
took place after practice, and Dhankad was found beaten to death.
Sushil Kumar, a two-time Olympian medalist for India, is known to have been in Uttar Pradesh
and Haryana. It has been learned that he stayed in Delhi that day before moving to Haridwar,
and is constantly changing his location.
The witnesses of this horrific incident have also reported that Kumar was present during the
incident, which makes him a potential suspect in the murder of Sagar Dhankad. It has been
reported that Kumar and some of his associates abducted Dhankad from his home in Model
Town. They intended to teach him a harsh lesson for sledging and abuse against Sushil Kumar
in front of other wrestlers.