Netflix has a documentary series spanning two decades of Kanye West, which also covers the death of his mother, Donda, in 2007 and his failed 2020 US presidential race. The untitled documentary will include previously unseen home videos of West and footage shot over a 21-year period by Clarence “Coodie” Simmons and Chike Ozah, who […]
Netflix has a documentary series spanning two decades of Kanye West, which also covers the death of his mother, Donda, in 2007 and his failed 2020 US presidential race.
The untitled documentary will include previously unseen home videos of West and footage shot over a 21-year period by Clarence “Coodie” Simmons and Chike Ozah, who directed West’s music videos Jesus Walks (Version 3) and Through the Wire. The pair have also produced and directed the 2012 ESPN 30 for 30 documentary Benji, about Benjamin Wilson; music videos for Lupe Fiasco, Erykah Badu and others; and the 2019 documentary on former professional basketball player Stephon Marbury, “A Kid From Coney Island, as reported by Variety.
The Netflix project is expected to be released this year, according to Billboard. Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s divorce will feature on Keeping Up With The Kardashian’s finale series, which was revealed by his mother-in-law Kris Jenner. Kardashian filed for divorce after more than 6 years of marriage. He married Kardashian in 2014 and have four children together. Kardashian is seeking joint custody of the children and her filing states the couple has a prenuptial agreement that will determine how their assets will be divided. It cites irreconcilable differences for their breakup and does not list a separation date.
West has been known for his work on Jay-Z’s 2001 album The Blueprint. He received massive acclaim for his subsequent solo albums, The College Dropout, Late Registration and Graduation.
Last month, West won his first gospel Grammy and 22nd career Grammy for his Jesus Is King album, marking the first time since 2013 that he has received honours from the Recording Academy. West also picked up rap/hip hop album for Jesus Is King and rap/hip-hop recorded song for Follow God.
The rapper is the latest musician to join a boom in pop star documentaries, following Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Tina Turner, Shawn Mendes and Blackpink.
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