The cast of High School Musical are set to come together in the upcoming Disney Family Singalong special on April 16, according to Deadline. The movie’s director Kenny Ortega told Deadline that he asked asked actors and artists from his movies and TV series to participate in an epic performance of the “High School Musical” […]
The cast of High School Musical are set to come together in the upcoming Disney Family Singalong special on April 16, according to Deadline.
The movie’s director Kenny Ortega told Deadline that he asked asked actors and artists from his movies and TV series to participate in an epic performance of the “High School Musical” anthem “We’re All In This Together” for the special.
Ortega said: “I wanted to find something I can do to participate and it was so great to be given the call and invited by ABC to join. It gave me a purpose to get up every morning. I feel really good that we have an opportunity to do something like this — it’s good medicine. ”
The entire cast of HSM Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens, Corbin Bleu, Monique Coleman and Lucas Grabeel have agreed to participate in one way or another. Even Zac Efron has agreed to come on board to send a message during the special. This reunion comes after the Zoom between HSM cast from over the weekend. Hudgens, Tisdale, Bleu, Coleman, and other got together to chat, but Efron was absent.
The cast also shared the news of Sing-Along on their Instagram handles. Take a look at it below.