A student in Bihar named Emraan Hashmi and Sunny Leone as his parents on his examination’s admit card. The news has been going viral since last couple days and Hashmi reacted to it in a hilarious way. Kundan Kumar is a student of Dhanraj Mahto Degree College in Bihar, who put father’s name as Emran […]
A student in Bihar named Emraan Hashmi and Sunny Leone as his parents on his examination’s admit card. The news has been going viral since last couple days and Hashmi reacted to it in a hilarious way.
Kundan Kumar is a student of Dhanraj Mahto Degree College in Bihar, who put father’s name as Emran Hasmi, which despite its different spelling reminds of the Bollywood actor. Moreover, the student named Leone as his mother and Chaturbhuj Sthan, the towns’ infamous red-light area as his home address.
“We have ordered an inquiry. It is obviously mischief and the student might himself be responsible for the same. Based on the report of the inquiry further action will be taken,” the University’s registrar Ram Krishna Thakur said. According to The Indian Express, sources in the varsity said attempts were being made to track down the student with the help of the Aadhar card number and the mobile number printed on the admit card.
Hashmi came across the news piece that talked about the same and reacted to this hilarious incident. He took to Twitter and said, “I swear he ain’t mine.” This hilarious reply sure made the audience’s day!
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The actor was last seen in Why Cheat India. He has Chehre with Amitabh Bachchan is an upcoming film and his film Harami also premiered at the Busan Film Festival (October 21-30). It was the official selection to New Currents main competition section of the international film festival 2020.
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