Batman vs Superman official teaser out!
Batman vs Superman official teaser out!

Is Ben Affleck the Batman we deserve?

After the release of the latest Star Wars trailer it was time for Zack Snyder’s upcoming Batman vs Superman to tease us with a glimpse of what is to come. With the official teaser released two days prior to the designated date, thanks to leaked footage of the teaser going viral on the net, fans finally got to see exactly what ‘Batfleck’ brought to the table.


Ben Affleck’s contralto voice has been mildly modified to a more intimidating pitch; this is a Batman who is past his prime and like most ageing Americans – very suspicious of immigrants. Said immigrant being Superman (in case you were wondering) who now finds himself being surrounded by naysayers and skeptics. While we think this may have something to do with the extensive damage to office supplies done in the last movie; the tone of the teaser suggests otherwise.


Superman’s power has shaken the top echelons of corporate America and Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne seem to want to do something about it. If the tone of the as yet unseen Jesse Eisenberg’s voiceover was too subtle, Snyder’s aided us with a glaring visual of the word ‘false god’ painted over a Superman statue.

What’s evident despite the Direct-to-DVD title is that Superman is very much the focal point of the movie, which fans of the character feared Batman would be. Affleck’s heavily armoured Batman also confronts the man of steel personally to put his alleged invulnerability to test. Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice releases next summer.

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