Aditya Roy Kapur, one of most sought after actors of Bollywood, has reportedly signed a new film with Netflix. He made his OTT (Over the Top) debut last year when Ludo released on the platform, and the Anurag Basu film was well received. No further details about this new project have come out as of […]
Aditya Roy Kapur, one of most sought after actors of Bollywood, has reportedly signed a new
film with Netflix. He made his OTT (Over the Top) debut last year when Ludo released on the
platform, and the Anurag Basu film was well received. No further details about this new project
have come out as of now. The only piece of information revealed is that other major Bollywood
stars have also been in talks for this project.
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Kapur has had a topsy turvy career till now with a lot of success, but at the same time, some
movies have dearly cost him. He has done some fantastic films in his career with popular hits
such as Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani and Aashiqui 2, and most recently, Ludo. The positive thing
that comes out of all the films he has done to date is that he has done his best in each film, and
his fans believe he will continue to do so.
With the second wave of the Covid 19 pandemic affecting India as of now, it is improbable that
theatres will open up anytime soon, and people would go for movies in a public space. The OTT
industry has certainly boomed over the years, and all the major films and shows are being
published on Netflix. Almost all the major A-list stars have signed major movies or shows, and
with this, they try to reach a wider audience.
Coming back to the project that Aditya Roy Kapur has signed with Netflix, this deal was being
talked about for a few days now, but finally, it has been confirmed. Word on the street is that the
movie will release in the latter half of 2021, and the producers are hopeful of starting the
shooting soon once all the preparations are sorted out. At the same time, when Netflix was
asked about this recent development regarding the project, they refused to comment.